17 April 2024 – X in Ten – Beyond the Mainstream News

Today – Bollard Man Found, Knife Fight in Melbourne Mall, Erosion of Freedom, NDIS Rorts, Tanya Kills Koalas and a Cougar has a Cry

X in Ten is your daily update taking a look at trending conversations and topic on X (formerly Twitter) that you might never hear about in the mainstream media news.

Bollard Man Found

Albo loves Bollard Man

Knife Fight in Melbourne Mall (Herald Sun video)

Erosion of Freedom Predicted by Awakened Aussies

eSafety Commission wants to censor X

MMT Idea for rating system on X posts

QLD to give new police powers

NDIS Rorts

NDIS pays for sex

New EPA & Tanya Kills Koalas

Andrew Tate is a misogynistic moron

Cougar has a Cry